Ep. 2: Courtney Mark on Motherhood, Family, and Sense of Self


This week, I am so excited to introduce you to my friend, former co-worker, and first podcast guest: Courtney Mark. She is a fun, outgoing bookworm mom who loves spending time with her family and geeking out over comic books, superhero movies, and all things Disney. What I love about Courtney is her disarming personality and her ability to make everyone feel cared for and appreciated. (I'm sure you'll sense this too!)

We shared a lot of laughs in today's episode, and I really hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did. Courtney gives her two cents on the X-Men comics, motherhood, and how to maintain your sense of self. She is funny, real, and honest and I'm so happy to present you with a glimpse into the mind of Courtney Mark.

In this episode, we discuss:

-the evolution of the character, Rogue, in X-Men (14:00)

-the experience of growing up in a tight-knit family (17:45)

-the role that family has played in Courtney's life (21:30)

-the effects of a small act of kindness (25:26)

-Courtney's take on how to "be yourself" (29:05)

-the pointlessness of being self-conscious (32:58)

-how motherhood is like a "big warm slap in the face" (36:40)

-what parenthood has taught Courtney (40:03)

-a fun parenting tip (40:48)

-two simple mantras that Courtney lives by (46:28)